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Our Services

Providing Everything You Need

The image shows a hand holding a pencil, writing on a document titled "COPYWRITING" with icons of gears, light bulbs, and stars around it.

It would save you headaches and time if you left the writing to someone else and concentrated on your actual job. That's where Great British Content comes in. So you need a blog and it's got to represent you in a positive way. You also need social posts and case studies. It's all got to have a consistent brand identity. Well click to find out more about our copywriting service.

You've got all these bloody social media platforms to update. But you'd rather just be doing your job. So you leave that to Great British Content. We make sure your Facebook, Linkedin etc are all updated with well written, positive stuff. Sorted.

The image shows an illustration of a laptop with "SEO" on the screen, surrounded by various related icons and terms: Marketing, Target group, Links, Content, Search, Ranking, Performance Measurement, and www (representing the internet). The background is blue, and lines connect the laptop to these terms, illustrating different aspects of SEO.

Get yourself higher in Google. When people type 'gym near me' or 'solicitor in Edinburgh' you want to be somewhere in the results, right? We use proven search engine optimisation techniques to improve your domain authority. We'll run an audit on your site, show you what needs done, and tell you exactly how we're going to do it. Higher rankings, more sales. Happy chap.

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